Sony PSP Go (white)

Sony's PSP Go with features such additions as built-in Bluetooth, slide-out controls, and a smaller, more pocketable overall design. But the real change from old PSP here--the radical departure, if you will--is the fact that the Go is the first dedicated handheld gaming system to go completely digital and move away from cartridges or optical discs.

While the features list differs little from earlier iterations of the PSP, the PSP Go is a complete redesign, with a focus on trimming the console down in almost every way. The initial version is available in black or white; don't be surprised to see more colors or specially branded versions in the future.

The smaller surface area does give you less of a viewing space, but since the resolution is still intact, some graphics do seem a bit sharper.

The plastic surrounding the buttons and the D-pad, however, has more of a matte look. The back of the Go keeps the glossy finish, but also has two rounded rubber stoppers that help you grip the device.

The analog stick is also smaller than in previous PSP models, The D-pad and face buttons all have a much more solid tactile operation to them, almost exactly like those seen on the Nintendo DSi.

The display, volume, and sound buttons have also been moved: they now lie in between the L and R shoulder buttons.


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